Fallout cheats is an updated list of all Fallout 4 console commands for PC and Mac (Steam). Cheats in this list include those for all DLCs: Nuka-World, Automatron, Far Harbor.
Type the name of a command into the search box to instantly filter 134 commands. Hover over a command in the table to view argument help. Click the "Card View" button to view console commands in an easy-to-read format.
The key used to open the console in Fallout 4 depends on your keyboard layout. The most common keys are ~ (tilde), ` (grave, usually under ESC) and ' (apostrophe). If none of these work, or you are having issues using the console, please see our console help guide.
Target commands are commands that will apply their effect to the target you currently have selected. To select a target, click on an object, NPC or item whilst the console is open (its reference ID will then appear above the console in brackets). To deselect a target, simply click the target again. All target commands are indicted with a Target Command badge at the end of their description. Add player. to the start of a target console command to apply its effects to your character (e.g. player.additem instead of additem).
Reference ID Help Item Codes List Perk IDs Faction IDs Character and Global Variable IDs Weather IDs Skyrim Console Commands
Command Name | Syntax | Description |
player.addItem | player.additem [item code] [amount] [silent] | This command will add the item of the specified ID to your inventory. You can also specify an amount, which will make the command give you that amount of the item. If you specify a 1 at the end of the command (silent), no confirmation message will be shown. |
player.removeAllItems | player.removeallitems | This command will clear your character's inventory (remove all items). |
player.removeItem | player.removeitem [item code] [amount] | This command, as the name would suggest, removes the specified item from your inventory. If an amount is specified, it will remove that amount of the item. |
player.kill | player.kill | This command will set your health to 0, killing you. |
player.addperk | player.addperk [perk id] | This command will give your character the perk with the specified ID. |
player.removeperk | player.removeperk [perk id] | The command will remove the perk with the specified ID from your character. |
player.sexchange | player.sexchange | This command will change the sex of your character (switch between male and female). |
player.setlevel | player.setlevel [level] | This cheat will set your character's level to level specified. |
player.resethealth | player.resethealth | This command will restore your health to its maximum level (100%). |
player.setrace | player.setrace [race id] | This cheat will change the race of your Fallout character, relative to the specified race. Use 'human' to return to normal form. NOTE: You may experience issues switching races if your character does not have default appearance settings. Use the 'showlooksmenu' command to change your character's looks. |
player.getav | player.getav [character variable id] | This command will print to console the value of the specified player variable. For a list of player variable IDs, please see this page. |
player.setav | player.setav [character variable id] [value] | This command will set the specified player variable to the specified value. |
player.modav | player.modav [character variable id] [value] | This cheat is similar to the setav command, but instead of setting the player variable to specified value, it will add the value to the existing value. |
player.forceav | player.forceav [character variable id] [value] | This command will forcefully set the specified player variable to the specified value. The difference between this command and setav is that this command will set the value of the player variable irrespective of all modifiers. For example, if you had +10 sneak from armor and used setav to set your sneak to 20, you'd have a total of 30 sneak but with this command, your total sneak would be 20 as it ignores all factors and changes the absolute value, not the base value. |
player.PlaceAtMe | player.placeatme [item id] [amount] [quality] | This command will spawn an item, character (NPC), creature or object in front of your player. |
showlooksmenu player 1 | showlooksmenu player 1 | This command will open up the looks menu so that you can change the look (e.g. hair, eyes, etc) of your character. |
showspecialmenu | showspecialmenu | This command opens up the special menu. The special menu can be used to change your character's name and modify S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points. |
player.moveto | player.moveto [item/npc/object id] | This command will teleport your character to the NPC, object or item with the specified ID. |
help | help ["search term"] [search type] [form id] | This command can be used to search for functions, item codes, IDs for NPCs/objects, settings and much more. See argument explanation for details. |
Clear | clear | This command clears the console of all existing messages. |
ShowAllMapMarkers | showallmapmarkers [enable / disable] | This command can be used to enable (discover) and disable (undiscover) map markers. Map markers allow for fast travel. |
ToggleGodMode | togglegodmode | This command toggles (enables and disables) god mode for your character. In god mode, your character is invincible, meaning you cannot take damage (from everything, including radiation, oxygen, etc). |
ToggleImmortalMode | toggleimmortalmode | This cheat toggles (enables and disables) immortal mode for your character. In immortal mode, your character will still takes damage but cannot die as your health will never reach 0. |
ToggleCollision | togglecollision | This command toggles (enables and disables) noclip mode. In no clip mode your character does not collide with solid objects in the world, this allows you to move through walls, etc. This command is useful for getting unstuck from a location and accessing usually out-of-bounds locations. |
ToggleGamePause | togglegamepause | This command toggles (enables and disables) the game pause. When paused, the game is frozen, after resuming, the game continues from the second before it was paused. |
SetCameraFOV | setcamerafov [third person fov] [first person fov] | This command can be used to set both the first and third person field of views (FOVs). A field of view is how wide your character can see. |
ToggleFlyCam | toggleflycam [freeze] | This command toggles (enables and disables) flycam (freecam) for your character. In flycam mode, the camera becomes disconnected from your character - you can move it about to explore the world around your character (which will stay where it was when you enabled fly cam mode). After disabling flycam mode, your camera will return to its original position and control the character again. |
SetUfoCamSpeedMult | setufocamspeedmult [speed] | This command can be used to change the speed the flycam mode camera moves at (slow it down or speed it up). |
ToggleMenus | togglemenus | This command will hide the UI, including the console. To enable the UI again, type the command into the console again - note that the console hotkey will still open the console, even though you can't see it (when the UI is hidden). |
screenshot | screenshot | This command will take a screenshot of your current screen |
UpdateGodraySettings | updategodraysettings [setting / on / off] [value] | This command can be used to enable and disable God-Ray, or to change the value of a specified god ray setting. |
CenterOnCell | centeroncell [cell id] | This command will teleport your character to the cell with the specified cell ID. |
SetConsoleOuputFile | setconsoleouputfile [file name] | This command is incorrectly spelled in the game - it is missing a T in Output. This command will log the console's output in text to the specified file. |
RunConsoleBatch | runconsolebatch [file name] | This cheat will execute a list of commands in the specified file. It looks for the file in the root game directory (the main folder of the game). You do not need to specify the file ending (e.g. '.txt'), just the file name. |
tfow | tfow | This cheat enables and disables (toggles) fog of war (FoW) on the map you are currently playing. |
ToggleGrass | togglegrass | This command will toggle the visibility of grass meaning after executing this command for the first time, grass will be hidden (run it again to show grass again). |
ToggleTrijuicing | toggletrijuicing | This command will enable and disable (toggle) trijuicing. Although untested, we believe Trijuicing refers to trilinear Anisotropic filtering, meaning toggling Trijuicing off is likely to increase your game's performance. |
ToggleLODLand | togglelodland | This command enables and disables (toggles) the distant LOD display. |
ToggleSky | togglesky | This command toggles (enables and disables) the rendering of the sky. |
ToggleWaterSystem | togglewatersystem | This command disables the visibility of water for a few seconds, after which you will need to again execute the command to hide water. |
ToggleWireFrame | togglewireframe | This command toggles (enables and disables) wireframe mode. In wireframe mode, wireframes are drawn around models (characters, objects, etc) rather than their usual textures. This creates a very unique/spoofy visual effect. The GUI is not affected by this cheat. |
QuitGame | quitgame | This command, as the name would suggest, will exit the game. |
ClearScreenBlood | clearscreenblood | This command removes all visual effects like blood, dust, etc from your screen. |
SaveGame | savegame [save file name] | This command will save your current game/progress to the specified file. |
LoadGame | loadgame [load file name] | This command will load the specified save file. |
SetGlobalTimeMultiplier | setglobaltimemultiplier [multiplier] | This command can be used to speed up or slow down the pace at which the game runs at - a multiplier of 0.5 would make the game run in slow motion at half the usual rate, a multiplier of 2 would make it run twice as fast. |
CharacterLight | characterlight [on / off / rim] [lighting strength] | This command can be used to enable, disable and edit rim lighting on character models. |
SetStage | setstage [quest id] [stage #] | This cheat can be used to advance (or return) to a specified stage in a quest. |
GetStage | getstage [quest id] | This cheat will print the current stage you are at in the specified quest. |
sqt | sqt | SQT stands for Show Quest Target - this command will print a list of targets for your current quests. The quest IDs of these quests will also be printed to the console, as a result, this command is commonly used to find out quest IDs. |
CompleteQuest | completequest [quest id] | This cheat will instantly complete the quest with the specified ID for your character. |
ResetQuest | resetquest [quest id] | This command can be used to return to the start point and restart an already completed (or already partially completed) quest. NOTE: Sometimes this command can result in a bug that prevents you being unable to progress in the reset quest again. |
ShowQuestObjectives | showquestobjectives [quest id] | This command prints a list of all objectives for the quest with the specified ID. If you do not specify a quest ID, a list of objectives for all quests in the game will be printed to console. |
CompleteAllObjectives | completeallobjectives [quest id] | This command will complete all existing objectives for the quest with the specified ID. |
caqs | caqs | This cheat will complete every single quest in Fallout 4. All quest items and quest-related achievements will also be granted at this time. Because of the sheer amount of items and achievements, this often causes the game to crash during execution. |
MoveToQuestTarget | movetoquesttarget [quest id] | This command will teleport your character to the current target of the specified quest. |
ShowQuestStages | showqueststages [quest id] | This command will print a list of all stages (completed and uncompleted) of the quest with the specified ID - useful for finding out quest stage numbers. |
ShowQuestVars | showquestvars [quest id] | This command will print a list of variables used by the specified quest. |
addItem | additem [item id] [amount] [silent] | This command can be used to add a specified amount of any item to the inventory of an NPC, player or any other target with an inventory. Target Command |
cf "ObjectReference.AddItem" | cf "objectreference.additem" [reference id] [amount] [silent] | This command is similar to the addItem command, but can be used to add items to inventories specified by their reference ID, not just their item ID. A reference ID is a unique ID assigned to any item/object/etc when it is spawned into the world. You can find out the reference ID of an item/object by clicking on it in your game whilst the console is open. Target Command |
cf "ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem" | cf "objectreference.attachmodtoinventoryitem" [item id] [modification id] | This command adds a mod to a specified item. The item should be in the inventory of the specified target. Target Command |
cf "ObjectReference.RemoveModFromInventoryItem" | cf "objectreference.removemodfrominventoryitem" [item id] [modification id] | This command removes a modification from the specified item in the inventory of the target. Target Command |
removeItem | removeitem [item id] [amount] | This command can be used to remove an item from the inventory of a player, NPC or any other target with an inventory. Target Command |
drop | drop [item id] [amount] | This command removes a specified item (and optionally, an amount) from the inventory of the target and places the item(s) on the floor near the target. Target Command |
removeAllItems | removeallitems [recipient id] | This command will remove all items from the inventory of the target. If you choose to specify a recipient ID as an argument, the items will be moved from the target to the recipient's inventory. Target Command |
showInventory | showinventory [show modifications] | This command prints a list of all of the items in the inventory of the target to the console. Target Command |
equipItem | equipitem [item id] | This command equips the target with the specified item. The item must be in the inventory of the target. Target Command |
unequipItem | unequipitem [item id] | This command unequips the item with the specified ID from the target and places it in the target's inventory. Target Command |
unequipAll | unequipall | This command unequips all items that are currently equipped by the target and places them in the target's inventory. Target Command |
openActorContainer 1 | openactorcontainer 1 | This command will open an interface showing the target's inventory and equipped items. You can move contents into your player's inventory by dragging them into your own. Some equipped clothing items like outfits will not be shown in this interface however armor, etc is. Target Command |
kill | kill | This command, as its name might suggest, kills the target (sets their health to 0). Target Command |
resurrect | resurrect | This command will bring a dead NPC back to life after it has died. Target Command |
tai | tai | This command will enable or disable (toggle) AI for the target. Usually, any target with a disabled ID will freeze until it their AI is re-enabled. Target Command |
ToggleCombatAI | togglecombatai | This command will toggle (enable or disable) the combat AI for the target. When combat AI is disabled, NPCs will have usual behaviour for anything that isn't combat-related. They will not be able to attack you (or do anything related to their combat AI). Target Command |
sexchange | sexchange | This command will change the sex of the target. If the target is female, they will become male, if they target is male, they will become female. It is not recommended that you use this command on target's that are required for quests and cannot be re-spawned because it can often cause problems. Target Command |
isessential | isessential | This command will print 1 in console if the target is essential, and 0 in console if the target is not essential. An essential target (usually an NPC) cannot be permanently killed. Target Command |
getav | getav [variable id] | This command will print the current value of the specified variable for the target to the console. Target Command |
setav | setav [variable id] [value] | This command can be used to set the value of the specified variable. Target Command |
modav | modav [variable id] [value] | This command will modify the value of a specified variable. Target Command |
forceav | forceav [variable id] [value] | This command will forcefully set the value of a specified variable. This command sets the variable to the value specified and ignores all other modifiers. If you were to set your sneak to 5 using this command and you had +15 sneak from clothing, you would still have 5 sneak. If you were to set your sneak to 5 using the setav command, you would have a total of 20 sneak with clothing that offered +15. Target Command |
moveto | moveto [reference id] | This command will teleport the target to the player/NPC/object with the specified ID. Target Command |
ToggleControlsDriven | togglecontrolsdriven | This command will put you in control of the target character. Execute the same command again to stop controlling the character. As this doesn't take you out of control of your player's character, you will need to execute player.tc or otherwise your inputs will apply to both your player and the target you are controlling. Target Command |
AddToFaction | addtofaction [faction id] [friend / ally] | This command adds the target to the faction with the specified ID as either an ally or a friend. Target Command |
RemoveFromFaction | removefromfaction [faction id] | This command removes the target from the faction with the specified ID. Target Command |
removefromallfactions | removefromallfactions | This command removes the target from all factions that they are currently a member of. Target Command |
setally | setally [faction id 1] [faction id 2] [friend / ally] [friend / ally] | This command will make two factions become allies or friends with eachother. |
setenemy | setenemy [faction id 1] [faction id 2] [neutral / enemy] [neutral / enemy] | This command will make two factions either neutral or enemies of eachother. |
ShowBarterMenu | showbartermenu [discount %] | This command opens up the Barter Menu, which allows you to barter with nearby NPCs. Target Command |
recycleactor | recycleactor | This command resets your targeted (selected) NPC to the way they were when they first spawn (it will also revive NPCs). If used on a container, the container's contents will be cleared. If used on an object, it will move the object to position at which it spawned naturally. Target Command |
killall | killall | This command will kill all non-essential NPCs within your proximity (the cells of the map that are currently loaded). Note that essential NPCs and companions will not be killed when using this command. |
kah | kah | This command kills all NPCs that are hostile in your proximity (the cells of the map that are currently loaded). |
setcommandstate | setcommandstate [command state] | This command allows you to change the command state of your targeted NPC. A command state of 1 allows you to control an NPC in a similar way to that of a companion, even if they are outside of your settlement. Target Command |
tdetect | tdetect | This command can be executed as a targeted command - if you select a target before executing this command, the effect of this command will be applied to your target only, otherwise its effect will be applied to all actors. This command toggles (enables and disables) AI detetection. With AI detection disabled, actors/NPCs will be unaware of your actions (so they will not react to things you do). |
setessential | setessential [npc id] [essential status] | This command changes the 'essential status' of the NPC with the specified ID. When an NPC is essential, it cannot be killed. |
ForceRepath | forcerepath | If the targeted NPC is currently following a path, or calculating a path, this command will force that path to be recalculated. Useful for getting NPCs unstuck/finding a new way to a location if they are taking an improper route. Target Command |
ForcePathFailure | forcepathfailure | If the targeted NPC is currently following a path, this command will make the NPCs path fail. The path it is attempting to follow will be re-calculated, and it will not attempt to follow the same path as before. Target Command |
ResetAI | resetai | This command will reset the AI of the targeted NPC - useful for fixing NPCs that are broken/not working as intended. Target Command |
CFG "Game.AddPerkPoints" | cfg "game.addperkpoints" [amount] | This command adds the specified amount of perk points. |
getgs | getgs [game setting] | This command prints the value of the specified game setting to the console. |
setgs | setgs [game setting] [value] | This command can be used to change (set) the value of a specified game setting. |
PickByRefId | pickbyrefid [reference id] | This command selects the item/object/NPC with the specified reference ID. |
GetPlayerGrabbedRef | getplayergrabbedref | This command prints the reference ID of the item you are currently holding. |
GetSelectedRef | getselectedref | This command prints the currently selected object/item/NPC reference ID to the console. |
PickLastRef | picklastref | This command will select the last object/item/NPC that you had selected. If you last spawned something (e.g. an item), this will be selected, rather than what you had selected before spawning it. |
PlaceThere | placethere [base id] [amount] [distance] [direction] | This command will place the object with the specified base ID in the location of the cursor. You can optional provide more arguments to change where it will be positioned. |
disable | disable | This command will hide the targeted object, item or NPC. Target Command |
enable | enable | This command will show the targeted object, item or NPC (if previously disabled). Target Command |
SpawnDupe | spawndupe | This command spawns a duplicate of the targeted item/object/NPC. Target Command |
attachMod | attachmod [modification id] | This command will attach the mod specified by its base ID to the targeted item. Target Command |
removeMod | removemod [modification id] | This command will remove the mod specified by its base ID from the targeted item. |
setScale | setscale [multiplier] | This command will set the scale of your targeted object/item/NPC. This can be used to make targets bigger and smaller. You may need to enable and disable the target for changes to apply (see the .enable and .disable commands). Target Command |
getScale | getscale | This command will print the current scale of the targeted object/item/NPC. Target Command |
getPos | getpos [x / y / z] | This command will print the current coordinate of the targeted item along the specified axis. Target Command |
setPos | setpos [x / y / z] [position] | This command can be used to set the position of an object, NPC or item along the X, Y or Z axis. Target Command |
modPos | modpos [x / y / z] [position] | This command can be used to add and subtract numbers from the position of an object, NPC or item along the X, Y or Z axis. Target Command |
lock | lock [level requirement] | This command will lock doors, safes, containers and terminals. The lock requirements can be customized using the level requirement argument. Target Command |
unlock | unlock | This command will unlock the targeted door, safe, container or terminal. Target Command |
activate | activate | This command will activate an item that usually requires activation via something like a switch or button. Target Command |
markForDelete | markfordelete | This command will delete the target from the game (permanently, not just hide it). Target Command |
setOpenState | setopenstate [0 / 2] | This command can be used to set the open state of an object like a door. A state of 0 is closed, a state of 2 is open. |
setOwnership | setownership | This command will make you the owner of the targeted item/object. |
setAngle | setangle [x / y / z] [degrees] | This command will change the angle of the target. |
modAngle | modangle [x / y / z] [degrees] | This command will modify the angle of the target by the specified amount. |
getAngle | getangle [x / y / z] | This command will print the angle of the target's specified axis to the console. |
set timescale to | set timescale to [seconds] | This command changes how many seconds pass in-game for a second in real life. Default is 20, meaning every second in real life, 20 seconds in Fallout pass. |
set gamehour to | set gamehour to [hour] | This command changes the time of day (0-24 hours). |
set gameday to | set gameday to [day] | This command changes the day of the month in-game (1-31). |
set gameyear to | set gameyear to [year] | This command changes the current year in-game. |
fDiffMultLegendaryChance_ | fdiffmultlegendarychance_[legendary chance] | This command can be used to change the chance of a legendary enemy spawning. Note that you do not need a space between the chance and the command, to set the chance to very easy you'd use the command fDiffMultLegendaryChance_VE. |
forceweather | forceweather [weather id] | This cheat forcefully changes the weather instantly. |
setweather | setweather [weather id] | This cheat changes the game weather gradually - as if it were changing naturally. |
setpv | setpv [papyrus property name] [value] | This command can be used to change a Papyrus property value. |
scrapall | scrapall | This command will scrap all items/objects that can be scrapped within the map cells that are currently loaded. |